
Redeeming Our Past

“Through faith they conquered kingdoms…and were made strong out of weakness.”

—Hebrews 11:34

In the Bible, Paul’s letters to the churches he planted always included confessions of the terrible things he’d done in his old life as a religious zealot. He persecuted Christians (Galatians 1:13-14). He participated in the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:57). He counted himself the worst of sinners (I Timothy 1:15).

We’ve all made horrible choices and done shameful things. We worry that our past mistakes could destroy the persona we’ve built if they should ever come to light. Rather than confess our weaknesses, we go to great lengths to bury them. We change jobs. Move our membership to a different church. And pray no one discovers the closet where we’ve hidden our sins.

Paul’s story did two things. It freed him of his shame and gave imperfect people hope. If God could redeem Paul’s past, He can redeem yours. Confession is the key that unlocks the chains of shame.

Today’s One Thing

Copy Hebrews 11:34. Scratch out they and put your name in the Heroes Hall of Faith. Let your confession of weakness become your greatest testimony.

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