Intentional Voice

Key #6 – Give generously

Financial FreedomIt’s a privilege for Family Life Radio to partner with other ministries, agencies and businesses across the nation—all of whom share the vision to help others experience hope in the name of Jesus. This month, please meet Brian Cochran and John Moore from John Moore Associates, a respected financial advice company founded on biblical wisdom.

Six keys to your financial wellness
Key #6

Brian Cochran, CKA®, CFP®, Financial Planner

We are made in God’s image, and God is generous. Therefore, we are meant to be givers and should not be surprised with the joy that comes with generosity. Joyfully and sacrificially giving fights the power of greed, reminds us of the needs of others, and encourages a healthy relationship with money. For these reasons (and so much more!) giving generously is one of the six keys to financial success.


    1. Spend less than you make
    2. Be prudent about debt
    3. Build liquidity
    4. Set long-term goals
    5. Act like a manager, not an owner
    6. Give generously


Paul provides the guideline for giving in a way that honors God in 2 Corinthians. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Do you share your resources with those in need? I have advised hundreds of families on their personal finances. Many give. A small minority give God’s way. 


Who should give? Each of you should give… 

Generosity is not reserved for those who have their finances all figured out. I often hear “I’ll give when I make more money” or “when I pay off my debts” or “after the kids are done with college.” Paul does not say giving is only for the rich or debt-free!


How much should we give? …what you have decided in your heart to give

Paul didn’t say to give 10% or any other pre-determined amount. Giving is a HEART issue, not a rule.


What attitude should we have when we give?…God loves a cheerful giver.

We are to give with a smile and a sense of gratitude.


I use Paul’s guidelines to define generosity as compared to giving. Anything you share is a gift, but you are generous when you give cheerfully, from the heart, and without compulsion. I know I have made gifts without being generous. How are you giving?


More Keys to Financial Wellness:

Intentional Voice: Key #1

Intentional Voice: Key #2

Intentional Voice: Key #3

Intentional Voice: Key #4

Intentional Voice: Key #5

John Moore Associates, an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is not affiliated with Family Life Radio. Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of John Moore Associates or Family Life Radio.