All Praise – August 7
A Year with Aslan from The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe
Grace isn’t just our gift from God, it’s our gift to each other.
As the 4 Pevensie kids are wandering thru the snow, Edmund tells Peter they should head back toward the lamppost. That’s when Peter realizes Edmund lied to him about being in Narnia before, & that’s what starts the process in Edmund’s mind of paying them all back.
Just think of how justified he would have felt, if he had just told the truth in the first place. We live in a culture that wants everything now, from pop tarts to peace of mind.That’s because we’re need of a savior.
Ransomed Heart Devotion
Either Jesus is our everything or He’s not. We can’t have it both ways. In Wild At Heart, John Eldredge says..
The culture comes along with figures like John Wayne & James Bond, & the one thing they all have in common is that they are loners. We come to believe needing anyone for anything is a sort of weakness. From the very beginning, ours was meant to be a desperately dependent existence. When Jesus says “Apart from me, you can do nothing”, He’s not mocking us. We’re made for union with Him.
Bob Goff ~ Love Does
When love does, love does it big.
Jay Milbrandt ~ go + do
Ambassadors don’t exist to make everyone a citizen of his or her nation. Rather, they represent the interests of their sending country – a goal, an idea, or a vision.
Philip Yancey ~ What’s So Amazing About Grace?
The largest & deepest reference of the Gospel is not to the world or its social problems, but to Eternity.
Henry Nouwen Discernment
Getting answers to my questions is not the goal of the spiritual life. Living in the presence of God is.
4th Century Egyptian Monks
A direct confrontation with the forces of evil required such spiritual maturity that few would be ready for it. Instead of paying so much attention to the prince of darkness, focus on the Lord of light, & thus thwart the power of darkness.