All Praise – July 24
A Year with Aslan from Voyage of the Dawn Treader
God reigns, so he owns everything .. but that doesn’t stop us from wanting more.
As Eustace finds himself in the dragon’s lair, he finds the ground is hard & prickly’ it’s dark, & all he can think about is getting back to the others ..Then he realizes it’s treasure, & he begins to think how much can he carry.
“I’ll slip that on my own wrist. Too big, but not if I push it all the way up here..Then fill my pockets with diamonds, that’s easier than gold, & then he got to the less uncomfortable part of the pile.”
The longer we spend tinkering with the treasures of the world, the less uncomfortable it becomes.
Ransomed Heart Devotion
Is God your everything, or is there something else?
In the Journey of Desire John Eldredge says…
Once we come to accept that we can never find the life we’ve been seeking, what then? We’re never living, but only hoping to live. We can only hope for what we desire. There simply must be something more…
& there is. & his name is Jesus.
Howard Thurman
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive – because the world needs people that come alive.
Donald Miller ~ Blue Like Jazz
The wonder of God happens above our formula. The more I climb outside my pat answers, the more my heart enters into worship.
CS Lewis
Courage isn’t simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
Brennan Manning ~ The Ragamuffin Gospel
Rationalization begins with a look in the mirror. We don’t like the sight of ourselves as we really are, so we try cosmetics, makeup, the right light, & the proper accessories to develop an acceptable image of ourselves. Self-deception prevents us from seeing ourselves as we really are.
Henry Nouwen ~ DIscernment
The Hebrew word for good & blessing at times means rain. God is not far from us that we should have to descend to the depths of the sea or ascend to the clouds to find him.