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All Praise – September 11

Today we remember the 15th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks on our nation.  In the first public memorial service following the attacks, actor James Earl Jones told the crowd at Yankee Stadium we are still One Nation, Under God.

A Year with Aslan from The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe

As the White Witch is trying to cast her net for the 4 Pevensie kids by filling Edmund with a bunch of Turkish Delight, & though Edmund doesn’t think much of his siblings…she knows who they really are.  & she baits the hook by telling him…

It’s a lovely place, my house.  I’m sure you would like it. I want a nice boy whom I could bring up as a Prince & who would be King when I’m gone.

& yet, when it comes down to it, she didn’t want just one.  She wanted them all.  It’s those half-truths we must guard our hearts against.

Ransomed Heart Devotion

Why does it seem so hard to remember the Maker loves us?

In The Sacred Romance, John Eldredge writes…

We can’t just talk about our story, we have to live it.  Run our race, as Hebrews says, before a great cloud of witnesses, & when we face a decision to fall back or press on, the whole universe holds its breath.  Will anyone trust the great heart of the Father, or will we shrink back in fear?  The little decisions of the heart reveal to the world our true identity.  We are the sons & daughters of God.


Donald Miller ~ Blue Like Jazz

Metaphors in relationships are often economic.  We value people.  We invest in people.  Relationships could be bankrupt or priceless.   The problem with Christian culture is we think of love as a commodity.  We use it like money.  With love, we withheld affirmation from the people who did not agree with us, but we lavishly finance the ones who did.  When the church does not love its enemies, we fuel their rage.  It makes them hate us more.

Bob Goff ~ Love Does

You don’t need to know everything when you’re with someone you trust.

Henry Nouwen ~ Discernment

A light too bright for our eyes to see.  We may not be able to look directly into its brightness, yet in this divine light we find the source of our being.  We live even when we cannot grasp it.

Jay Milbrandt ~ go + do

Jesus was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit for his test – not the devil, not by a trick.  Why was Jesus tested?  God could not have feared he would fail.  It had to be part of the journey.  So these deserts we go thru are rites of passage, like guideposts, preparing us for something better. 

Ronald Ragotzy ~ Raising Abel

Understanding faith is like solving a Sudoku puzzle.  At first it’s hard to see how everything will work out, but as you start filling in numbers, more answers are revealed.  & there’s often more than one route to the answer.  It wouldn’t be a puzzle if you could see the whole picture at the beginning.


1 John 5:4

1 Corinthians 15:57

Acts 20:24

Isaiah 35:5

Psalm 118:15