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All Praise – September 4

A Year with Aslan from The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe

As our heroes are trying to beat the White Witch to the Stone Table, Mrs. Beaver is busy packing up.  The gang tries to hurry her along, but she tells them …

Don’t get to fussing, dear.  Just get half a dozen clean handkerchiefs out of the drawer. ‘Course we got a hope. We can’t get there before here but we can keep under cover & go by ways she won’t expect.

Raise your hand if you had a grandma like that.  Sometimes the one that’s not panicking is the one with the right answers.

Ransomed Heart Devotion

We always hear about the proverbial “Light at the End of the Tunnel.”  That light is heading somewhere.

In The Journey of Desire, John Eldredge says…

No matter what our creeds may tell us, our hearts have settled into the winter of this world.  If I told you your income would triple next year you’d be hopeful, but our ideas of heaven aren’t all that desirable.  Whatever it is we think is coming, we don’t think it’s worth getting all excited about.

As Pascal once said…

We make an eternity of nothing & nothing of eternity.


Donald Miller ~ Blue Like Jazz

When we worship God, we worship a Being our life experience does not give us the tools to understand.  If we could, God would not inspire awe.

Bob Goff ~ Love Does

I think direction is the point.  He wants followers, not just onlookers or people taking notes.


Brennan Manning ~ The Ragamuffin Gospel

He has a single relentless stance towards us: He loves us.  He is the only God man has ever heard of who loves sinners.  False Gods despise sinners.


Galatians 3:28

Ezekiel 1:27-28

Deuteronomy 28:47-48

Isaiah 28:22

Luke 11:52