Crash Before the Rescue
Letting Go of Perfection with Lisa Harper
Many of us often feel the pressure to perform and achieve, and can be tempted to believe our worth is tied to our successes. Lisa Harper, author, speaker, and Bible teacher, understands this struggle intimately. She shared a part of her journey from a performance-driven life to embracing God’s grace with us.
Lisa Harper describes a profound moment in her life as “a great crash that preceded a great rescue.” She admits that she had always equated her worth with her work, a mindset familiar to many who find their value in accomplishments. The relentless pursuit of validation often leaves us feeling inadequate and exhausted.
Reflecting on this period, Lisa shared, “I’ve always been very performance-driven because I’m very shame-driven.” Despite teaching about grace, she struggled to internalize it, feeling that love and acceptance had to be earned. “I went through a season about 15 years ago where just the bottom fell out of my life and I didn’t have anything left to give. And I thought, this is it. I mean, this is it. I’ve got nothing. I can’t pull myself up my bootstraps anymore. Every leg of my soul has just collapsed,” she said.
Your relationship with God is unconditional, never based on what you can offer Him.
God’s Unexpected Presence in the Darkest Times
During a particularly challenging time, Lisa found herself at the end of her resources, facing what felt like an insurmountable crisis. She recounts hearing God speak to her, “I’ve never heard His audible voice, but as clear as can be He said, ‘You’ve been running your whole life. I’m going to take you to the basement, and I’m going to sit there with you in the dark until fear doesn’t on you anymore.’” This became her turning point where she began to experience God’s presence in a new, deeply personal way.
For many, the fear of being abandoned in times of weakness can be paralyzing. Lisa’s story brings hope because God is not distant or indifferent. Instead, He is present in our struggles, offering comfort and support.
She continued, “God’s presence is closer than ever before, to sense His kindness. I never one time in that season sensed my Heavenly Father’s disappointment.” When Lisa realized this, it was liberating, and broke the cycle of performance and shame within her.
Redefining Weakness and Vulnerability
Lisa’s journey also involved redefining what it means to be weak. She had always feared weakness, equating it with being pitiable and unworthy. “I’ve never, ever, ever wanted to be weak. Because to me, to be weak would be pitiable.”
Vulnerability with the Father is a doorway to deeper faith and healing.
If you’ve felt compelled to maintain a strong facade, you can find real strength from recognizing your limitations and inviting God’s grace into those spaces. If you struggle to balance authenticity with the fear of judgment, true courage lies in being vulnerable and honest.
Even while facing personal struggles, Lisa continued her public ministry, wrestling with whether it was appropriate to “still hold the microphone and teach at conferences.”
She chose to approach her role with honesty, without oversharing or using her platform for self-serving transparency. “The Holy Spirit just allowed me to navigate that with honesty….I don’t know that I did it well all the time, but it definitely was almost a moment by moment process to go, ‘Lord, let me be as honest as I can without, exploiting the other image because you’re allowing me to be with this season.’”
For readers involved in ministry or leadership, this aspect of Lisa’s journey is particularly relevant. It challenges us to consider how we can be transparent and authentic without compromising the integrity of our roles or the well-being of those we serve.
Lisa Harper’s story reminds us that our worth is not in what we do, but in who we are in Christ. No matter what you’re navigating today, Lisa’s message is clear: you are not alone. God’s grace is sufficient, His love is steadfast, and His presence is constant, even in the darkest of times. May you find comfort in knowing that you are deeply loved, not for your achievements, but for who you are—a beloved child of God.
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