A Goal Bigger than the Roadblocks
You have to have something that’s big enough to drive you in order to push through the roadblocks that often stand between you and your goal. Attaining a goal is not easy. Maybe you’ve even asked yourself, is it worth pushing through?
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
─ Philippians 3:13-14 ESV
It would be easy to just lay back and not lean into the challenges you’re facing. That’s why you need a big goal that is more important than the roadblocks in front of you.
Become more passionate about seeing God at work in the lives of others.
God measures His wealth in souls. Your goal to please Him means you decide to be more passionate about seeing God at work in the lives of others. It’s worth it all to see one more person’s life changed, one more person come to Christ, one more person give up drugs, one more person find peace of mind and one more family restored.
As you strive to become more passionate and determined, here are some ONE THINGS to keep in mind:
• Don’t sell yourself short.
• Don’t give yourself away outside your marriage.
• Don’t give your life away.
• Don’t flitter away the finances that flow through your hands.
• Don’t give away the time that you have.
Today’s One Thing
Make a promise to yourself today that you will follow His journey and never look back. And continue to invite others to join you in your decision to live an intentional life in Christ.