
A New Attitude

Be filled with the Spirit.

─ Ephesians 5:18

Attitude is our posture toward life. It’s like a flat tire – if we don’t change it, we will never go anywhere. When we have confidence and a new attitude of faith, our emotions will change. Our desires will change from a focus on self to confidence in Christ.

We can get a new attitude by developing confidence in Christ. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Memorize scripture.

It’s important to be able to turn our minds to scripture that will bring us encouragement. For example, Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

  1. Pick the right friends.

We should choose friends who will speak the truth into our life and who will tell us when we are off base. We need someone who is going to build us up and not tear us down.

  1. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill our life every day.

What does it mean to understand the Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit was given as our Comforter. The Holy Spirit is real, and the Bible is very clear that every day we should be filled with the Holy Spirit.

  1. Change our vocabulary.

Statements that we make affect how we view ourselves, and how we view other people.

Today’s One Thing

Make a commitment today to do these four things to build a stronger confidence in Christ.


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