A New Existence
For the power of the life-giving Spirit—and this power is mine through Christ Jesus—has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death.
─ Romans 8:2 TLB
A New Existence
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Life. He is the power source for every new birth in Christ. He infuses us with the strength we need to succeed in this fallen world.
When Jesus rose from the dead, He emerged from the grave in a new form, as a life-giving spirit. He is the source of all spiritual life that allows us to be raised to life both spiritually and, someday physically, as He was.
Through the Holy Spirit, God has provided us freedom from sin and condemnation. As we believe in Christ and receive salvation, He removes the heaviness of trying to achieve perfection and the guilt that comes when we sometimes fall short.
You have a new existence. You are loved, accepted, forgiven and free to live each day in fellowship with your Heavenly Father.
Today’s One Thing
Think about how the Holy Spirit is at work in you. How have you experienced his life-giving power at work in your life? Share that story with someone today, and visit our stories page.We would like to hear what He’s doing in your life.