All the Time
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
—Lamentations 3:22-23
The woman stood up in front of the church and made a few announcements. Then she proclaimed, “God is good!”
The congregation responded, “All the time.”
“All the time,” she declared.
“God is good,” the people replied.
A few weeks earlier, the church had started reciting this as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. They’d been through a rough period as a church. Several stalwart members had passed away. Others were chronically ill. The budget had fallen short, and their aging building leaked, sagged and broke in the most expensive places. They prayed, uncertain how they would get through this time. But they recognized that God would be with them through it all. Waiting for God to provide can be one of the hardest parts of having faith.
Sometimes the worries of the daily grind threaten to consume us. But God never intended for us to live with a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). His strength and support are with us always, and His compassion fills our days. As we turn our eyes to Him, His great faithfulness spreads before us.
He has promised to be our shield and our strength, a help in our times of trouble. And, as Scripture reminds us, His love and mercy are fresh and new every morning.
Today’s One Thing
Make a list of five times you have seen God’s unending mercy and love in your own life. Put that list somewhere that you’ll see it daily, and thank God for His goodness with each reminder.