Allow Others to Influence Your Children
We’re influenced by other people. Parents or grandparents can often have the biggest influence on children, but others speak into their lives as well. A coach, a teacher, a neighbor or one of our family members can often have a different and more profound impact on our kids.
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
─ Isaiah 54:13 ESV
As a parent, you identify those things in your children that are similar to your own personality and talents. Likewise, you can see talents in them that are very different from your own.
It’s important to allow others to influence your children in the talents they have:
- If your child is artistic and you’re not – expose them to art.
- If your child is musical and you’re not – find a music teacher for them.
- If your child is athletic and you’re not – find people and places for them grow.
Expose your children to the kind of people you see them becoming.
Talk to your children about their dreams for the future. Expose your children to the kind of people you see them becoming, those who will lift them up and not limit them. People you know and trust with them.
Ultimately, you want your children to lean into Christ and learn from Him. The Lord has promised to be their teacher as well.
Today’s One Thing
Ask your family: What is one dream that you have for your future? What is something that you really feel God has placed on your heart for the future?