Always Winning
God created the heavens and the earth, and He created Adam and Eve. Because of their lack of trust and unbelief, God had to send His one and only Son, through a virgin, to be the One to fix the relationship between Him and man. Trusting and believing are freedoms God designed in you because He desires for you to trust and believe in Him so you may reap the abundance He has waiting for you.
And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can!’ All things are possible for one who believes.”
─ Mark 9:23 ESV
Developing a fortified attitude of “can do” and “optimism” starts with asking the Lord for help and allowing Him to guide your thoughts and beliefs. When you choose to be optimistic about yourself and others, you are obedient to the second and greatest commandment, to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:39 ESV).
Harmful or toxic thinking is not productive for you or anyone. An attitude of positivity and optimism creates a winning attitude and powerful approach to life. Life has its challenges that can swing your attitude and belief, but you can choose not to be swayed. You choose who you will serve each new day. Trusting in the Lord is a consistently winning approach that will overflow and benefit others.
Ask the Lord to fill you with His abundant and optimistic thinking so you may bless others and be blessed yourself.
The Lord has empowered you with the opportunity to rely upon Him to expect positive and beautiful outcomes. Mental toughness and peace come from trusting in God and believing He gave His Son for you to have life abundantly. Christ is the bridge to God, and He has offered restoration of the relationship between Himself and humanity.
The more you exhibit your faith by trusting and believing in the Lord to help you approach life with a winning attitude, your faith and resilience will strengthen and grow stronger.
Today’s One Thing
Pray and ask the Lord to replace any negative or harmful thinking with fruitful and positive thinking so you may live an incredible life of faith and expectation. Choose this day to trust the Lord and expect great things to occur. God has good things in store for you. Just believe.