
Anchor Your Soul

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.

─ Hebrews 6:19

Susanna pulled the curtain back and peered out at her three children playing in the snow with her sister Charlotte’s two children. She smiled, taking in the bright sunlight glistening on the untouched snow in the yard. “What are you thinking?” Charlotte asked softly.

“I was just thinking about the difference a season makes,” Susanna replied. “Sometimes that hopeless, constantly can’t catch my breath season seems like it was just yesterday, but more often it seems a lifetime ago. My world was upside down. Every day seemed like I was climbing uphill with two small children on my back with no help in sight. I remember rocking my babies at night in the dark and crying out to God for something to hold on to, not realizing that I really didn’t have to hold on because He was holding on to me.”

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” Charlotte said. “I didn’t know, and I didn’t ask.”

“I wouldn’t have let you in if you had asked,” Susanna admitted. “But, I knew that season wouldn’t last forever. I had God – and a tiny sliver of hope that anchored my soul. And now, look at my life. I know that God was at work, in the midst of my tears, to bring me out of that season and into a new place I only dared to dream of.”

Today’s One Thing

If you are in a difficult place today, let God be your anchor. Trust Him to hold on to you. Encourage yourself through prayer and reading His Word.



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