Are You Listening?
“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.”
—Psalm 95:6-7
“Are you listening to me?” Kathy winced. That phrase sounded way too much like her own mother’s frustration with Kathy as a teenager. That she now aimed it at her own children both annoyed and amused her. She’d promised herself she’d never nag at her kids the way her mother had with her. But here she was, and for the same reason. Life would be so much easier if they would just learn from her advice. If they would just listen!
How frustrated God must feel with us sometimes. We are His children, beloved and cherished. He watches over us, and the Bible is filled with advice, commands and instructions, all intended to direct and secure our lives. God wants to keep us out of harm’s way; not throw us to the wolves. Yet we insist on going our own way, stepping into all kinds of troubles in the process. Yet He never gives up; never turns away. And He will lead us through the most snarled of trials.
When we turn to Him, keep our focus and worship on His ways, He listens and loves. Always.
Today’s One Thing
When you pray today, kneel, if possible. Remember that prayer is a conversation, but it’s also part of our worship of our Lord.