Ask, Seek and Knock
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
─ Matthew 7:7-8
Three-year-old Julian hung on the doorknob of his teenage sister’s room, twisting and turning and trying to gain entrance. “Mom,” he whined, “she won’t let me in.”
“Give your sister some privacy,” Mallory shouted above the roar of the vacuum cleaner she pushed and pulled across the living room carpet.
Julian thrust the full weight of his little body into the door, just as his sister Kaylee opened it. He fell into the room, tumbling over her rollerblades and collapsing on the floor. “You did that to yourself,” Kaylee said, storming out of her room as her little brother feigned serious pain.
Mallory smiled as her daughter carried dirty laundry to the washing machine. Kaylee rolled her eyes at her brother’s antics as she passed.
Suddenly Mallory wondered if God felt the same way about her. She’d been wrenching the proverbial doorknob on a new business opportunity, impatiently pushing at a door that didn’t seem to open. But she hadn’t asked. She hadn’t even knocked on it. She’d been acting like her toddler with no spiritual sense.
God promises that He will answer when we ask, seek and knock. But He doesn’t promise an immediate response. His timing is perfect, and no amount of banging and barging through will help. It’s tempting to whine and complain in the midst of waiting, but that won’t open the door any faster. Instead of asking for our way, let’s seek His will in our lives and trust that God will act when the time is right.
Today’s One Thing
What door are you standing in front of today? Ask the Lord to open it, seek His will and timing and wait for Him to lead you through.