Be Courageous and Resilient
Do you have a mindset of being obedient to the Lord and moving forward with plans and ambitions He has given you? The quick and easy answer is “yes,” especially when you are asked this question by someone else. If your answer is an unequivocal “yes,” then praise God. You are in a spiritually productive mindset of listening, trusting and being obedient to the Lord. If, however, your answer is a softly spoken “no,” then evaluate the situation.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
─ Joshua 1:9 ESV
Your mindset can be a battlefield for the enemy to use, twist and season with fear and doubt. Erroneous statements and past mistakes fly through your mind creating a gravitational pull to those items instead of listening for the Holy Spirit to guide you to your next adventure. Changing your mindset and trusting in the Lord requires faith-filled action on your behalf.
In the book of Joshua, the second generation of Israelites entered the Promised Land. While the Lord gave the Promised Land, the second generation had to be obedient and take action to occupy it. The promise was absolute, but it took effort instead of a relaxed mindset of entitlement or doubt to fulfill the Lord’s promise.
Trusting the Lord requires action and commitment to listen to the Holy Spirit as the dominant voice in your mind.
God calls for you to strive daily to do your best and demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit to everyone you encounter. Listening and trusting the Lord is an elevated and righteous action of doing your best. This trust may seem uncomfortable initially, but the outcome is wondrously beautiful and awe-inspiring.
Be courageous and resilient in your prayers as you let your requests be made known to the Lord and act upon His direction.
Today’s One Thing
If you find yourself second-guessing the direction the Lord has given you, then schedule a spiritual and mental health day and dedicate some specific time to God’s Word and praying for courage and confidence in the direction He is leading you.