Be One
Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
— 1 John 3:18
Leslie had her pen poised to record the prayer requests of her weekly Bible study group. Someone mentioned the financial struggles that an absent couple was facing. The husband had been unemployed for six months. They all agreed the situation was dire and that it would take a miracle to keep the family in their home. They shook their heads in resignation, offered a prayer and went on about their day.
When Natalie Grant was asked to share her inspiration for the song “Be One,” she said it came from the message of 1 John 3:18. Although we can and should pray for miracles, we can also be someone’s miracle by acting as the hands and feet of Jesus. God’s not looking for the spectacular. He’s looking for the available. Those who are available to allow Him to work through them.
The song “Be One” is a call to action. To move beyond praying and begin doing.
It’s interesting that the song begins with how uncomfortable it is to get our hands dirty. We don’t feel ready/We don’t feel steady/Question what we really have to give/Stay where it’s safer.
We have our own problems. Need our own miracles. How would tackling the problems of others help us?
This song goes on to note an interesting spiritual truth: the more we think of others, the smaller our problems become. When we “speak life to the broken” and “watch the blind eyes open,” it builds our faith. As our faith grows, we come to realize that the same God who has worked through imperfect people throughout the ages, can and will work through us too.
The miracle we bring about may not be that we saved someone from financial ruin, but we should never underestimate how the power of Jesus Christ might move through us.
Today’s One Thing
Ask God to make you someone’s miracle. Then boldly step out and do something in the full assurance that God is working through you.