Beautiful Designs Just for You
Imagine a beautiful, starry Fourth of July evening at a local Independence Day event with the sky as the background pallet, containing colorful and dazzling fireworks filling the airspace. Wow, what an amazing experience to see, smell and hear.
Now, imagine the same evening where there are no colors or sounds. Would you experience the same exhilarating time without the vibrant colors or thunderous, whistling sounds?
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
─ Isaiah 41:10 ESV
God created everything – even the items you experience – what you see, smell, taste, feel and hear every day. You see colors, hear music, experience an adrenaline rush, breathe oxygen in and carbon dioxide out.
God, the greatest Architect and Designer of all the millions of variables for a spectacular experience for your pleasure.
Celebrate all the little things God created for your enjoyment.
The next time you see fireworks exploding, hear birds chirping, taste sweet and savory foods, smell delectable aromas or touch the smoothness of fabric, pause and thank God for His outstanding and creative design that you get to experience.
While USA citizens celebrate Independence Day, your celebration can occur every day with the miraculous things God created and made for you and others to experience.
Today’s One Thing
Spend 15 minutes today giving God honor and praise by thanking Him for all the items the Spirit brings to your mind.