
Breaking the Habit

In the multitude of my [anxious] thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul!

─ Psalm 94:19 AMPC

Another way-too-early morning Jemma starred at the ceiling wide awake, thinking about those things that concerned her. Before falling asleep she’d been prayerful and thankful for God’s faithfulness in her life and in the lives of those she loved. She laid each worry at the feet of the Father, hoping to let go and leave it all with Him.

But before her feet hit the floor, she realized she’d once again taken control of something that truly no longer belonged to her. Her mind worked to figure out how she could fix it on her own. Why is it so hard to let go? I know He’s able to save anyone from anything. And yet my impulse to take control is so strong.

Psalm 94:19 says, in the middle of the turmoil of anxious thoughts going on inside your head, Gods peace cheers and delights your soul. He’s the comfort you need to stop the world from spinning.

It takes constant reminders to yourself to let go and trust Him. When you find that you’ve picked up the worries that you only recently gave to Him, you can return to Him and once again confidently give them to Him, knowing He’ll accept them as the loving Father He is.

Today’s One Thing

It’s easy to beat yourself up over constantly taking back your worries and carrying them. This week, if you face that challenge, confidently return to Your Father as many times as it takes, without condemnation. He loves you and wants you to experience His comfort and peace.

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