Carry One Another’s Heaviness
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
─ Galatians 6:2 NKJV
Her doctor’s words, “Your baby is incompatible with life” still echo in Sheila Walsh’s heart 23 years later in an article earlier this year on Foxnews.com. She shared how she refused to terminate her son, and over the following weeks, instead she says “I became relentless in my prayers, not for a perfect outcome but for the presence of a perfect Father.”
Then at 35 weeks, Sheila’s doctor called to reveal the test results previously communicated were another mother’s results. Shelia’s baby was perfectly healthy. Relieved and grateful for the news, Sheila began to pray for the mother who would soon receive the same devastating news she’d lived with for weeks. Sheila said, “I believe in the sovereignty of God, and I’ve often wondered if I was allowed to carry her burden for a while.”
Sheila’s experience is a different viewpoint of how we can carry the hurts, pain and heaviness that belongs to someone else. Our verse for today invites us to share each other’s troubles. When you choose to carry the burdens that belong to someone else, Paul says you are fulfilling the law of Christ. You are pleasing Christ.
How do you respond when someone is struggling with heaviness? The answer is found within the full passage of Scripture from which our verse today comes from.
- Be the one overflowing with the Spirit of God (Galatians 6:1).
- Seek to restore the one burdened. Win them over with gentle words, which opens their heart to you (Galatians 6:1).
- Allow God’s love to empower you to help you carry their troubles (Galatians 6:2).
- Refuse the thoughts that you are too important to help another, or that someone else is better equipped to do it. Don’t deceive yourself (Galatians 6:3).
- As you choose to become devoted to fulfill the work God has given you to do with excellence, you’ll experience His joy. That is your reward (Galatians 6:4).
When was the last time you answered the call to bear another’s burdens?
Today’s One Thing
Consider the unique perspective Sheila Walsh had for how to pray for this other woman. In what ways has God given you a unique view into the heaviness of another’s heart. Ask God to show you today how you can come alongside Him and carry someone else’s burden this week.