
Celebrate His Good News

Jesus was fully human and fully divine. As a human, He was subject to death like any other person. However, as the Son of God, He had the power to overcome death. He willingly went to the cross to pay the price for your sins.

“I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore.”

– Revelation 1:17-18 ESV

By His death, He took upon Himself the punishment that we all deserve and reconciled us to God. His act of love and self-sacrifice enables us to experience forgiveness and have the hope of eternal life with God.

Jesus’ resurrection is your key to living reconciled to God.

But Jesus’ death was not the end of the story. On the third day after His death, Jesus rose from the dead and demonstrated His power to overcome death. His resurrection is the key to your own resurrection.

Through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death once and for all. He broke the power of sin and death and made it possible for us to be reconciled to God and have eternal life. This is the Good News that we celebrate.

Your hope of eternal life is not just a distant promise for the future, but the eternal nature of Jesus with the power to bring hope and strength to live in Him each day. When you are faced with struggles or challenges, you can turn to Jesus and find comfort in knowing He is always with you.

Today’s One Thing

Take courage in the eternal nature of Jesus and the hope it brings to your life. Embrace the promise of eternal life and the strength and comfort that Jesus offers in the present. Find joy and peace in knowing that you are loved by an eternal God who is always with you.

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