Combating Negative Reviews
“God chose what is foolish in this world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak…to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world…so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:27, 29
Thanks to social media, everyone has an opinion…and feels free to offer it. We leave reviews on everything from books to doctors. If we’re not leaving reviews, we’re checking them. We can find out what others think about hotels, airlines, restaurants, and even churches. The downside to saying what we think about others is that others feel equally justified in assessing us. Businesses have closed, churches have folded, and lives have been ruined by negative social media reviews.
Scripture is full of heroes who’d picked up a few bad reviews. Moses had a temper. David was sneaky. Peter was a coward. In the court of public opinion, these individuals were found lacking. And yet, God chose to overlook the reviews and use them for His purposes. Why?
Like a parent who believes in their child, God sees past what others think of us and looks deep into our character. He sees our potential. He sees what we could be if we allow His power to shine through us.
The challenge for us is to stop believing what others think and to accept that by His grace, all bad ratings have been permanently removed from our record. In God’s eyes, we are 5-star perfect.
Today’s One Thing
If social media is influencing your opinion, take a moment to remember that, in the end, the only review that matters is God’s.