Come Alive (Dry Bones)
Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord…I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.
— Ezekiel 37:4-5
In the Old Testament story of Ezekiel, the nation of Israel had been divided and dispersed for so long they’d lost all hope of restoration. God decided to give them a glimpse of what could be if they called out for His help. He took the prophet Ezekiel to a valley covered with scattered bones.
“Can these bones live again?” God asked.
Ezekiel had no hope in the bones, but he did have hope in God. “O Sovereign Lord, you alone know,” Ezekiel said.
As Ezekiel spoke the words the Lord told him, the bones began to rattle. Tendons and flesh tied them back together. Life was restored to something that had been long dead.
Restoration of a body from bones is something utterly unknown in nature. Life from death is completely contrary to the laws of science and human reasoning. Ezekiel must have been speechless to witness this. But God’s words were clear. He made dry bones live again so that “you will know that I am the Lord.”
Like Israel, we are wayward children. The consequences of our destructive choices have led us into emotional and spiritual valleys. If we linger too long, our faith can waste away. Our hearts become brittle and our bones are dry. Restoring our brokenness would require a miracle.
Lauren Daigle’s song “Come Alive” speaks to our journeys into the valley of death: As we look down the road where all the prodigals have walked/One by one the enemy has whispered lies/And led them off as slaves.
Lauren’s lyrics also boldly proclaim how we to can access to the miracle of restoration: God of endless mercy…You alone can save…We call out to dead hearts come alive/Up out of the ashes let us see an army arise.
Lauren sings these lyrics from her own experience. At age 15, a serious illness left her housebound and isolated. Her hopes of becoming a family counselor in ashes, she turned to music for solace. From dry bones, God raised up a gifted songwriter and singer. A career she might not have had if she’d not been in the valley and cried out for God’s help.
Life from death.
Restoring our brokenness requires a miracle. And Jesus has given us the ultimate one.
Today’s One Thing
Lay your dry bones before the throne of God. Boldly ask Him for restoration.