Come Up Higher
From the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
─ Psalm 61:2
Every day, hundreds of us choose to become a part of a cause or give in some way to a purpose that can potentially make life better for us or for others. We have that innate desire to be a part of something more. It’s a part of our divine DNA. God’s plans for each of us holds a higher purpose.
Tempted to look at our lives close up, we can easily miss what is really important. Our challenges can seem overwhelming when our inner camera lens is zoomed in on the little things in life. Instead of looking at what, why and how, we need to look at Who. God is the Who that will make all the difference.
God is bigger than all our problems and greater than the sum of all our fears. When we step back and purposefully refocus on Him, the weight of our troubles seems lighter. Even if nothing about our circumstances change, we can trust Him to help us to view life’s troubles from a higher perspective.
Today’s One Thing
What is the best way for you to stop looking at the what, why and how, and look to the Who? Take steps today to refocus your attention on Him.