Created for Good Works
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
─ Ephesians 2:10 ESV
Perhaps someone has asked you the question, “Why should I go the extra mile?” They might have been frustrated with feeling unappreciated or even rejected when they were passed over for a promotion they felt should have been theirs. Maybe you’ve even thought, Why should I do more than is expected of me? because no one expressed gratitude for all you’ve done on their behalf.
The truth is, you should always go the extra mile and do more than is expected because you are created for good works. You are God’s creation, shaped and fashioned in Christ Jesus for good works, things God prepared for you to do long before you were even born. And your heavenly Father has a great expectation for you to step out and in faith, do those good works. (Ephesians 2:10.)
Jacob made it a habit to do more than others expected of him. While working for Laban, his employer and father-in-law. When his flocks of sheep were attacked, he took the losses rather than splitting them with Laban. He worked hard even after several pay cuts, even after Laban tricked him and broke his promises. Jacob’s persistent work ethic eventually paid off, and his personal flocks multiplied (Genesis 31:38-42).
Your good works:
- Please God.
- Earn you recognition and advancement.
- Enhance your reputation.
- Build other’s confidence in you.
- Give you more experience and knowledge.
- Develop your spiritual maturity.
Today’s One Thing
This week, look for ways to go the extra mile in all you do, not for others but because of your relationship with God. When you do, ask God to bless those you serve. If someone asks you about your actions, tell them you are created for good works.