
Don’t Be Afraid – Trust in the Lord

The Lord has given you the power and authority to declare trust in Him. But you must be the one who makes this declaration. Righteous declarations are not easy to make. They require you to have absolute bravery and an unwavering inclination, guided by the Holy Spirit and affirmed by the Bible to stand firm. David provides an example of this type of action in Psalm 56.

“In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

─ Psalm 56:10-11 ESV

The enemy wants to create disruption and doubt, especially in Christ’s followers. The enemy naturally constructs and misconstrues situations and problems to misguide your thinking and mindset. The enemy does not want you to follow, believe or trust Christ.

The Good News is the Lord has defeated the enemy, and He gives you the power over his misdirection through the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ’s action reigns over all the enemy’s plans.

Like David, you must declare your trust and refocus your mind and thoughts on the Lord. Believe in Him, and He will direct your steps. He will not leave or forsake you.

You have the power through Jesus Christ to refocus your attention on the Lord and trust the Holy Spirit to protect and guide you.

If you have ever encountered fear, you know it’s real and emotionally draining, especially after the adrenaline is gone. The significance of not being afraid is the Lord has told us, “Fear not.” This is the most repeated command in the Bible.

God knew and is actively aware of your emotional well-being all the time. He knows there are situations, problems and issues that will create fear in you. The genesis of these items could have been created by your actions, or they are things the enemy is using to guide you away from trusting in the Lord. Regardless, submit to the Lord, trust in Him and fear not.

Today’s One Thing

Declare your situation to the Lord and trust in Him. Pray: Father, you are complete. I trust in you. Thank you for your Son. Thank you for giving me the power to declare your authority over every aspect of my life. I love you!

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