Enjoy and Celebrate God’s Goodness
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
─ Psalm 23:6
Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:19-24 to store up treasures in heaven and not on earth. The wrong attitude about money can be like pulling down a shade in a room, and it can become a dark place in our lives. If we are not intentional in our thinking, our attitude and our behavior regarding our money, our money will become our enemy.
There are people who have millions of dollars and live in a darkness consumed with trying to manage what they have and in fear of losing it. There are also people who make very little and yet experience complete freedom in their life because they know that the money God gives them is an opportunity to be a good steward to invest and follow godly principles.
When we start to experience financial freedom in Christ, we begin to enjoy and celebrate God’s goodness. Giving it all to God frees us from those feelings of anxiety about money as we trust Him to provide for everything we need.
Today’s One Thing
In your prayer time today, ask the Lord to show you in what ways you can be a better steward of the finances He’s given you.