
Experience the Joy of Giving Wholeheartedly to God

God appeals to generous hearts to give to His work today, just as He’s done in the past. He invited those of His people with willing hearts to participate in building His temple where His presence would have a place to dwell (Exodus 35). He desired for them to have a place of worship in their community.

Everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the tent of meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments.
─ Exodus 35:21 NIV

When the people responded, their gifts given freely produced the largest offering ever received at once. Gifts listed in Exodus 26 included:
Bracelets, earrings, rings and gold jewelry, gemstones (v. 22, 27).

  • Animal skins (v. 23).
  • Linens and cloths (v. 23, 25).
  • Silver, brass and wood (v. 23).
  • Spices, oil and incense (v. 28).

The invitation was not limited to material items, but Moses asked those with certain skills to provide by giving their talents and abilities toward God’s house as well.

Everyone has something to give.

This story is a wonderful illustration of how all of God’s children can give something for the work God is doing. (At one point, the people were told to stop giving because it was more than enough – Exodus 36:5-6). God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). And everyone has something to give. No gift is too large or small, and each gift is as unique and significant as the giver is in their relationship with God.

Your giving is a reflection of your heart toward God. God desires for you to willingly give wholeheartedly to Him.

Today’s One Thing
Ask the Lord today what He would have you give and to whom.

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