Express Unconditional Love
Once we as parents understand how much God loves us, it’s our duty to exhibit that kind of love to our own children.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
─ John 15:12 NIV
Today’s verse is a promise from God in black and white. Often we find promises in Scripture that have conditions attached to them. To receive what God has promised, we must follow His instruction, but that’s not the case here. God does not ask us to earn His love. He does not tell us that if we mess up, He’ll remove His love from us. Just the opposite!
Love that has no limits is an unconditional love.
Convinced that your children are valuable and important to God, how do you convey His unconditional love to them? You act as a conduit, allowing God’s unconditional love to flow through you to them. In addition to pointing out to your children the biblical foundation for understanding God’s love, you continually and intentionally demonstrate to them how valuable they are.
Never give up on them! Love that has no limits is an unconditional love. As your children grow up, some will make you proud and satisfied that you’ve done a good job. Others may make you wonder if you did anything right at all. The time comes when you have to back off and let them make their own decisions and mistakes. But you must never stop loving them and encouraging them to be the best they can be.
Today’s One Thing
Show unconditional love to your child this week (no matter their age) by listening. Give them your undivided attention. Lean in and really hear what they want to tell you.