Express Your Thankfulness
Holy means separated or devoted. God rescued the Israelites and brought them out of Egypt, but they had lived that way of life for centuries. In His call to them to become holy, He asked them to trade the Egyptian ways of life for His ways of living and thinking.
I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.
─ Leviticus 11:45 NIV
The Old Testament Book of Leviticus instructed the Levi priests in their duties and provided the Israelites with details for living each day consecrated to God. The same Scriptures you read today give you a clear picture of a holy life, as well.
God’s rules about worship set an orderly, regular pattern of relationship with Him. Through offerings of worship, the people demonstrated praise, thankfulness and devotion to God.
God asks you to exchange the world’s ways for His way of thinking and doing life.
In our verse today, God is challenging us to come up higher – to exchange the ways of this world for His way of thinking and doing life.
The fellowship offering is very personal. God asked that it be brought personally to express gratitude to Him (Leviticus 7:28-30). Fellowship offerings were given to demonstrate:
- Thanksgiving to God (especially when God spared you from injury or death).
- A commitment fulfilled (a vow you made to God).
- A freewill offering, which you needed no specific reason.
When we give God thanks, it’s not just for the good things He’s done in our lives. We must be willing to set ourselves apart from the world. We are called to look and act differently. We are to look and act like Him (Ephesians 5:1).
As you live each day, striving to be holy, your thankfulness should be a celebration and demonstration of your deep devotion to Him.
Today’s One Thing
Take time with God today to get up close and personal with Him for the only purpose of giving Him an offering of thanksgiving.