Extend Grace with Darren Mulligan
Christian music artist, Darren Mulligan told Family Life Radio, “I come home from shows spent –nothing in the tank, and I thank God that I am tired, and I’m empty.” He says it’s a gift to be able to be with others, but “if my wife doesn’t get the best of me, does any of it matter?”
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.
─ Titus 2:11 ESV
Darren continued, “I really wrestle with my wife and kids getting the best of me. Being present when I’m at home is not easy to do. I struggle with that.”
Darren loves that his wife appreciates that when he goes to work, he works hard. He said, “One of my primary goals is to take care of my family. I want to honor my wife and kids by making sure there is bread and meat on the table, that they are afforded choices to make sure they’re educated and to make sure that my wife can be their homeschooling mother.”
When you extend grace, it lifts people from places of hurt and shame to better places.
Darren has a theory “that the world would be a lot better if we just go easy on each other. If we extend grace in every circumstance.”
There’s a time for being tough and strong. There’s a time to take care of widows and orphans, and times to stand up to injustice for sure. But can we do that out of kindness instead of arrogance or pridefulness?
Darren said, “I want to be that kind of man that does things out of the strength of God. When you extend grace, you lift people out of places of hurt and shame to better places.”
Today’s One Thing
Look for ways you can extend grace, first to your family and then to others. Ask God to show you how you can lift others up to better places.