
Feed Your Spirit

Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.

─ Jeremiah 15:16 ESV

What an incredible blessing to have the very words of God Himself, the fountain of all truth, wisdom and revelation. In God’s word, He reveals Himself, tells us what He is like, shares His very thoughts with us, counsels and guides us.

How many times have you been going through a difficult season in life and the words from the Bible comforted you? That is the very essence of the words of Jeremiah in our verse today. God’s very words were comfort food to his soul.

Maybe in your dark night, you searched particular words or topics for answers to your challenge. That’s one of the best ways to know God’s will for whatever you face. Psalm 119:105 says, God’s Word lights the path we’re walking on so that we know the right way to go.

Apart from God’s word, we could not know about His holiness, love and His plan of salvation. And yet, many times we allow the many distractions in life to keep us from the very food our spirit needs.

Today’s One Thing

If you don’t read God’s Word daily, start where you’re at. This week, give God ten minutes each day – either at the beginning of the day or at the end – spent reading His Word. If you’re not sure where to start, open your Bible and start in the book of John.


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