Feeling Heard Offers Hope
“But for you, O Lord, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.”─ Psalm 38:15
Camille felt frustrated about the workload she carried after several were laid off in her department. She decided to talk to her supervisor, Kristin, about it and scheduled a quick 15- minute appointment with her.
She knocked on Kristin’s door and slid into the chair across from her as she motioned for her to come in and sit down. Camille thanked Kristin for taking time to speak to her. She explained how thankful she was to still be with the company, and then confidently and professionally detailed the challenges she now faced with the overwhelming workload.
Kristin nodded, smiled, asked a few open-ended questions and gave Camille her undivided attention. When a co-worker popped her head in and interrupted, Kristen maintained eye-contact with Camille and waved the co-worker off. Camille even noticed that Kristin had forwarded her phone and refused to pick up two calls during their conversation.
Although nothing was resolved in that conversation, Camille felt heard, valued and her confidence and trust in her supervisor increased because of their time together. She felt better about her job and her task list, even though nothing about her situation had changed.
When we have a conversation with someone who truly listens, it’s usually inspiring and uplifting. Often when we feel heard, we sense it’s safe to open up more. Are you a good listener? Listening to others is a great way to offer hope and encouragement.
Today’s One Thing
Make a commitment to give others your undivided attention in your conversations today.