Filled with Passion for a Purpose
“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.”
─ 1 John 3:16
At just nine years old, Jahkil Jackson encourages other children like himself that they don’t have to wait until you’re an adult to be great. It’s something he believes children can do right now. He is a frequent public speaker, who inspires children to realize their passion and make a difference.
Jahkil’s passion is for the homeless in his hometown of Chicago. He founded Project I Am to help the homeless in Chicago. He compiled and distributed more than 3,000 Blessings Bags for the homeless in his community. Each bag is filled with toiletry items, a towel, socks, and light snacks.
The young man facilitated donation drop-off sites and bag-stuffing parties. His fellow fourth-graders, along with other friends, family, and community members help him create the bags. He has also developed partnerships with relief agencies and homeless shelters, where he distributes the Blessing Bags and talks with the recipients.
Jahkil’s parents saw his desire to make a difference at just five years old, when he started pleading with his parents for money to give each homeless person he saw on the street. At just 8 years old, he formed his own method of assistance after he went with his aunt to distribute food to the hungry.
You are filled with passion for a purpose. You were created for so much more – God intended for you to make a difference with your life. If you don’t yet know what that purpose is, ask God to show you this week.
Today’s One Thing
What stirs your heart to see change? Take that passion and volunteer this week in that area.