Finding Security in Christ
I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.
─ Psalm 37:25
Bob arrived at Wild Heart Ranch (WHR), a nonprofit, state and federally licensed rehabilitation facility for wildlife in Northeast Oklahoma, 19 years ago. Unlawfully declawed and unable to hunt, the bobcat was starving when animal control found him in a woman’s backyard.
His past experience made him extremely food aggressive. The staff at WHR recognized the cat needed stability and ensured he never ran out of food for several weeks. Eventually his behavior changed as he came to trust his caregivers to provide for him.
Today Bob, a healthy and content senior bobcat, is very thoughtful. Once food aggressive, Bob has saved part of his food for a female bobcat, who has visited him in past seasons. Presently, he shares his heated sleeping box with a wild adult opossum.
Bob wants no part of freedom. His enclosure gives him the security he craves, where the staff of WHR provide for his every need. It seems he never forgot what it’s like to be hungry and lost, and experiences content in his confinement.
Much like Bob finds security in his home at WHR, our hope is in Christ. In Him, we can find contentment knowing He has our best interest in mind. We are secure in Him and can trust Him to provide our every need
Today’s One Thing
What have you given over to God to work out for you only to discover you’ve picked it back up and are trying to work it out on your own? Choose today to trust Him to work it out in His time, while you rest in the security of His loving arms.