First the Flood, Then Mud, Then Harvest
Happy and fortunate are you who cast your seed upon all waters [when the river overflows its banks; for the seed will sink into the mud and when the waters subside, the plant will spring up; you will find it after many days and reap an abundant harvest].
─ Isaiah 32:20 AMPC
The thought of flooding seldom brings positive thoughts to the forefront of our minds. Floods, one of the most prevalent natural disasters on Earth, is second only to wildfires. Every state in the U.S. is susceptible to flooding. So, it’s only natural that we replay images of catastrophic, life altering devastation in our minds when we think of it.
You might be surprised to hear there are many benefits to flooding. As floodwaters retreat, blankets of silt and mud often remain, leaving deposits of rich nutrients that greatly benefit farmers and agribusinesses. Flood plains such as the Mississippi River Valley, the Nile River Valley and the Fertile Crescent have bolstered agriculture for thousands of years.
Isaiah 32:20 speaks to both the physical and spiritual benefits to flooding – after the flood, there’s mud; and after the mud, there’s the harvest. You’ve probably experienced a trial, or flood in your life. Perhaps you’re facing a downpour even today.
As believers with trust in God, it’s important to see it from God’s perspective. Instead of looking at it from the circumstances of what the flood washed away, try to see what remains. Deposits of increased faith, stronger trust in God and unwavering belief that He keeps His promises are often rich spiritual nutrients that greatly benefit you after a flood.
Today’s One Thing
Say this prayer today: Lord, I choose to rejoice in the storm I’m facing. I believe Your promises for harvest. As I cast my seed upon the waters, I will reap an abundant harvest in every area of my life.