Freedom Comes with a New Perspective
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
─ John 9:1-3 NIV
Freedom Comes with a New Perspective
Many of the Jews of Jesus’ day believed when people suffered or something bad happened, that God was punishing them for a great sin. In our verse today, the disciples asked Jesus, who sinned in this man’s life that caused him to be born blind?
When faced with difficult seasons in our own lives, we too ask questions. It’s not unusual to face a crisis of belief during these times. We begin to ask questions like why did this happen to me and what did I do wrong?
Jesus used the blind man’s situation to teach us about faith and purpose. We live in a fallen world. Good behavior is not always recognized and rewarded; and bad behavior is not always punished. We see the innocent suffer, and even find ourselves asking God for justice.
Jesus told his disciples neither the man, nor his parents had sinned, but the man’s suffering had occurred so that God would be glorified.
No matter what you’re dealing with in your life today, Jesus can help you see from a different perspective. Instead of asking why and what, you can look to God for strength to endure the difficult season and show us His perspective on the situation so we can bring Him glory.
Today’s One Thing
Ask God to show you how the challenges in your life today can serve Him and point others to eternal salvation. Thank Him for the strength you need and trust Him to provide it.