Full of Joy
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
─ John 15:11 ESV
Sam sat on the tailgate of his grandfather’s ‘77 Chevy, watching Papa tinker with the old lawnmower that always needed a little work to get it running again.
“Why the sad face?” Papa asked, noticing the pout protruding from his grandson’s mouth.
“Aww, I’m just waiting to be happy,” the thirteen-year-old scoffed. “Nothing goes right for me at school since Ryan moved away.”
Papa looked up at Sam. “I’m really sorry you’re missing your best friend. I’m sure it’s hard not having him with you throughout your day, but happiness is a choice. It’s up to you to choose joy that comes from within. Remember, your joy comes from the Lord.”
Sam nodded as a tear fell from his cheek and Papa continued. “It’s okay to be sad sometimes, but when the joy of the Lord bubbles up from within you, it draws others to you. It’s what caused Ryan to become your friend and it will attract other people to be your friend too.”
In John 15, Jesus shared the importance of relationship with the Father. In our verse today he said, “I’m telling you these things so that you can experience joy.” He’s not talking about the fleeting joy that comes from things of this world, but things that come from your relationship with the Father.
No matter what’s going on around you, your joy can be full. Your joy is not determined by what’s going on around you, but what God is doing within you through constant relationship with Him.
Today’s One Thing
What brings you joy? Where do you look when things go south? Read Jesus’ words today found in John 15:1-15. Ask God to fill you with joy that can only come from Him as you spend time in conversation with Him today.