Generations of Unconditional Love
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.
— 1 Corinthians 13:7-8
Shortly after his high school graduation, Max, Jesse’s son, got married and moved three hours away from home. Just a couple months into the marriage Max’s wife Heather shared that they were expecting their first child. Jesse and Max had been extremely close, especially since Max’s mother died when Max was just six years old.
This physical distance in their relationship made Jesse feel there was also an emotional gap. Max didn’t call very often, and they saw each other even less. Jesse didn’t know how to repair the rift between them. He often felt like he’d lost his son.
And then Max called to let him know that Heather had had the baby. “Your granddaughter is here. Would you like to meet her?”
Jesse jumped at the chance and raced to the hospital where he tiptoed into Heather’s room. He carried three giant balloons and a stuffed bear for the newest addition to their family. And when Heather invited him to hold her, Jesse choked back tears of joy. He knew he’d be part of their lives, and he would always be there for this new generation.
Like Max, sometimes we don’t make important relationships, like our relationship with God, our priority. But even when we feel that gap, we can rest assured that God’s love never ends. From generation to generation, He is with us and cares for us. He doesn’t need a new addition to the family to show off His love. It never ends. It always endures.
If you feel a gap in your relationship with God, invite Him to be part of your daily life right now.
Today’s One Thing
Write down today’s verse—or another that reminds you of God’s unconditional love—on a notecard, and post in somewhere you’ll see it every day.