
Gentleness – A Fruit of the Spirit

A beautiful virtue and an inward strength, gentleness is guided by love and kindness. It’s the strength Jesus showed when visiting with children and adults. He approached broken-hearted individuals, prostitutes, tax collectors, and many more who needed a listening ear and compassionate heart.

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.

– Colossians 3:12 ESV

As you pursue God’s purposes, you’ll find the fruits of the Spirit developing within you by the Spirit without any effort on your behalf when you commit to prayer and Bible study. Gentleness becomes a way of life as you believe in the assurance of God’s strength and direction. Gentleness is God’s expression of love and compassion given to you from God through His Son, Jesus.

In Colossians, you’re encouraged to clothe yourself with virtues like compassion, kindness, and gentleness. When you choose to display gentleness, you naturally respond to others in a way that mirrors Christ’s love. Gentleness brings peace to tense situations, patience to complex relationships, and kindness to those who may feel undeserving. Christ is the foundational key to expressing gentleness.

The Holy Spirit nurtures gentleness within you as you walk with and trust Him.

When you choose gentleness and respond with kindness instead of criticism and patience over anger—you bear witness to the love of Jesus in a powerful way. Gentleness, working by the Spirit, transforms you little by little, reflecting the character of Christ. Gentleness, by your actions, is having confidence in God’s ability to work through love rather than force.

Allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate this precious fruit within you. When gentleness shapes your thoughts, words, and actions, you reflect the beauty of a heart transformed by God’s love.

Today’s One Thing

Ask God to strengthen and increase your gentleness, and affirm, “I choose gentleness. I trust the Holy Spirit to fill me with kindness and peace, making my life reflect God’s love to everyone I encounter.”

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