Getting Reconnected in Prayer
And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there [Jesus] prayed.
─ Mark 1:35 ESV
Getting Reconnected in Prayer
Holly’s heart hurt. Even though the horrible ordeal was past, and God had finally answered her prayers, she felt broken. She’d always been a prayer. She could pray for anyone, anywhere. And she applied her faith and believed God would answer her prayers. But, now, she just didn’t feel connected to God. She didn’t want to pray. And when she tried, simply because she knew she was supposed to do so, the words didn’t come.
Setting aside time each day for focused prayer is vital to your spiritual health. Jesus set a powerful example for us to follow when it comes to prioritizing spending time with God, our Father. Throughout the gospels you see Jesus stepping away from the crowd, and even away from His disciples into solitude to pray. Our verse today is just one of those many examples: “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there [Jesus] prayed” (Mark 1:35 ESV).
If you find it difficult to get alone with God and pray – here are five things to help you get reconnected in prayer:
- Schedule time with God first thing, before your thoughts are consumed by the affairs of the day.
- Create a quiet place, away from the noise for prayer.
- Focus on God by reading His Word, playing a few worship songs or something else that helps you settle into His presence.
- Pray on a regular basis, not just when things are hard or you need something.
- Come with expectation and faith.
When you give more time to God, He will recharge, renew and remind you that you belong to Him and that all things are possible in Him.
Today’s One Thing
Look at the five things you can do (above) to get reconnected in prayer. If you need help reconnecting, will you follow these for the next week? If you already have a strong prayer life, will you pray for those who are struggling with spending more time with God?