Give God the Final Say – Every Day!
Does God have the final say in your life? Don’t be too quick to answer that question. We say we want to do God’s will. We tell ourselves we have chosen His path for our lives, but then we find ourselves doing things contrary to His Word.
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
─ Matthew 16:24 ESV
It’s easy to go our own way. Maybe you told a little white lie to avoid confrontation or let someone off the hook when they should have been held accountable. Perhaps you felt a prompting to give your time, energy or resources, but then you didn’t do it.
If you’re fully surrendered to God, you willingly allow Him to plan and execute His course for your life.
Jesus is saying to us today, if you’re going to follow me, it means giving up your will and doing what the Father asks you to do. Jesus went to the cross and laid down His life because the Father asked him to do so. He did the will of the Father.
Following after Jesus means doing as He does, giving God’s Word first place in your life.
Today’s One Thing
What was the last thing you felt God asking you to do? Was it something you read in the Bible that required a course correction in the way you live your life? Maybe it was to let go of something you hold dear. Go before God today and ask Him to help you choose His will. Make a commitment today to follow his instructions to the letter.