Giving Freely
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
─ Colossians 3:23-24
Jeanie seldom gave cash to people who approached her asking for help, but when a young man in the grocery store parking lot approached her and her husband, Ron, and asked for bus fare, she felt like she should help him.
When they finished their shopping and returned to their car, they noticed the man they’d given money to was still in the parking lot. “I gave him enough money for bus fare for the week,” Jeanie commented to Ron. “What if he wasn’t honest with me?”
Ron placed the last of the groceries in the car and closed the trunk. “Jeanie, you did what you felt you should.” he said. “You must see that gift going from the Lord’s hand to that young man – not from yours. Your responsibility to honor God has been met. Now the responsibility rests on the young man to do what’s right.”
“Yes, yes,” she nodded in agreement. “I gave a gift and it’s up to the receiver in what they do with that gift. No strings attached.”
When you give gifts, do you give them freely to others – especially strangers in need?
Today’s One Thing
Ask the Lord to show you what gifts He would have you give on His behalf and to whom.