God is Bigger
God is bigger than all your questions, more forceful than all your fears. God is bigger than any pain, sorrow or suffering you will ever face. That’s all good to hear, but what does it really mean?
“Sovereign LORD, you made the earth and the sky by your great power and might; nothing is too difficult for you.”
─ Jeremiah 32:7 GNT
The Bible testifies of God’s great power and might. He shut the mouths of lions, parted the Red Sea, created the world with His words and built a bridge for all mankind back to Him through a sacrifice only He could make.
From Genesis to Revelation, the pages all declare His miraculous work. His love and desire for relationship with you woos you to Him.
God is always faithful to see you through.
The heroes of faith are known today because they trusted God and responded to Him with faith. Believing in the impossible doesn’t come easy. Daniel may have been a little worried as he was dropped into the den of lions. Moses probably found it difficult to believe his people could escape Egypt.
It can be difficult for each one of us sometimes to trust God and see Him as bigger than whatever opposes us in life. But He is faithful to those who have gone before you, and He will be faithful to you to fulfill the promises He has for you. Trust that He’s at work in your life even now.
Today’s One Thing
Whatever you’re facing today, don’t face it alone. God wants to be involved. Stop trying to figure it out on your own and surrender it completely to Him. Show Him that you trust Him by praising Him for the answer even if you don’t see it yet.