God is Thinking About You
When someone reaches out and lets you know they are thinking about you, it probably brings a smile to your face. Stop and think about your Heavenly Father, the One who made the sun and stars, the earth and moon – who created you – thinking about you!
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!
─ Psalm 139:17 NLT
He knew you before you were born. He thought about you as He created the world you live in, the sky you see when you look up. The Psalmist says His thoughts are precious and cannot be numbered.
You are always on God’s mind!
It would be foolish to think that we can know what God is thinking about us. His plans are far greater than anything we could imagine. But many of His thoughts are recorded in His Word.
• He plans to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
• He prepared good works for you to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).
• He will watchfully instruct you, teach you, counsel you (Psalm 32:8).
How marvelous to realize that you are always on God’s mind. His thoughts of you are good. He leads and guides you toward His will and His way.
Today’s One Thing
In your quiet time, ask God what He’s thinking about you today. Ask Him to lead you to His purpose and show you in His Word what you can do to fit into His plans.