God is Your Hope for Freedom
In my distress I called to the Lord; he answered me and set me free.
─ Psalm 118:5 GNT
Does God Already Have Your Yes?
Life is really never easy. No matter how blessed you are, how much you love God – or better yet, how much He loves you – you’re going to experience trouble. Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 ESV).
Your hope as a Christ follower, is not in this world, but in God, through Jesus. God created you for much more than just this life. You are an eternal being, and you will continue on with Him long after this life is over.
You have benefits in this life as well. Through Jesus, you have overcome the world. The psalmist penned the words in our verse today to encourage himself in the Lord. He reminded himself of God’s faithfulness. In the hard places in life, when you feel stuck, alone and all out of the answers you need, God will answer you just as he did the psalmist.
The things of this world hope to hold you prisoner, but God is at work. And when you call on Him, He will set you free. It may feel like He’s not listening. But He is at work on your behalf, and when He does act, you will find yourself in a spacious place, free from the heaviness of whatever is holding you down today.
Today’s One Thing
You’ve probably already had more than one conversation with God about whatever heaviness your heart is carrying today. Instead of reminding God (and yourself) of the pain and hurt, talk to God about how much you trust Him. Recount the times He’s faithfully rescued you, and then thank Him for doing it again. By faith, raise your hope and expectation today and trust that He will answer in His time.