
Is God Really on Our Side

Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

— Psalm 118:5-6

Christians in the early church faced terrible conditions. They were persecuted and killed for believing that Jesus was the promised Messiah and that He had risen from the dead. The New Testament book of Acts tells the story of Stephen, who was a deacon in the early church in Jerusalem. An angry mob of religious men dragged him out of the city and threw stones at him until he died.

Most Americans won’t experience that kind of suffering for what they believe. But we may face trials and people who despise us for holding firm to the truth of God’s Word. We may be called names and see our businesses suffer at the hands of those who oppose biblical views. In those times we can be quick to ask, “Is God really on my side?”

Perhaps a better question is, “Am I walking with God?”

The first century Christians knew that God was their helper and protector. They knew they could call on Him in times of distress because they were in close communication with Him every day. They trusted His plan and followed where He led.

An absence of struggle is not evidence that God is on our side. The evidence that God is with us is the grace and strength He gives to sustain us through the difficult times and the peace He provides to calm our frightened spirits. In the midst of trials and pain, we can call on Him and trust Him to get us where He wants us to be. With God on our side, we have nothing to fear.

Today’s One Thing

Call on God, and tell Him about what weighs heaviest on your heart.


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