The God of Second Chances
He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love.
— Micah 7:18
The scent of hairspray and the whir of blow dryers fill the California hair salon. But it is in the specially decorated and private back room where the magic happens. The owner Snooky, as her friends call her, works to restore beauty and confidence to beleaguered cancer victims. She gently massages their hairless scalps, combs out tangled wigs or wraps their bald heads with stylish scarves. She draws on eyebrows and dabs the perfect shade of gloss on chapped lips. She provides all of these services for free.
A reporter asked Snooky why she donated so much of her valuable time to these women. Her answer was simple. “I’m a cancer survivor. The Lord gave me a second chance. I’m so filled with gratitude I can’t help but show my joy. Loving on others is far more rewarding than filling my cash register.”
When Jesus healed people, He often told them to keep the miracle to themselves. Some could not contain their joy. They ran to their friends. They told strangers on the street. They were so grateful they risked stirring up political and religious judgment.
We understand judgment. Make a misstep, and we pay the consequences. Old mistakes glow like scarlet letters on our resumes, in our broken relationships and in our failure to find success. Blunders are clouds we can’t shake. The gift of a second chance is so rare we seldom expect it.
But scripture tells us, all who have claimed Christ as Lord are exceptions to the rule. Our slate is wiped clean. We start every day with His fresh mercies. We have been given a second chance. And it should fill us with such joy that we can’t help but share it.
Today’s One Thing
Take a moment to enjoy the fact that you have been given a second chance. Let that joy sink in. Now go do one outrageously kind thing for someone. Feel your joy multiply.