God Speaks to Us
Hear the word that the Lord speaks to you, O house of Israel.
─ Jeremiah 10:1
We easily recognize the voices of those we love, those who speak into our lives. Our ears are tuned in to hear and notice their voice when no one else does. A son recognizes his father’s sharp whistle from across the baseball field. A daughter’s ear picks up on the softly whispered prayers from her mother in the darkness as she tucks her into bed at night.
Our Heavenly Father’s voice should be as familiar as anyone else’s in our lives. He speaks to each of us as uniquely as we are. For some, His voice is a gentle lullaby, for others it’s a strong and leading directive. Some hear words in their hearts or thoughts in their minds. Others just have a knowing, an understanding of what God has said to them. And then there is the written Word in which certain scriptures are illuminated in our minds and understood in a new way.
Psalm 46:10 tells us to be still and know that He is God. As we spend time in prayer, in praise and in the study of His Word, we learn to recognize His voice in our lives. God is always speaking, but we’re not always tuned in. Quiet times in His presence helps us to hear Him, even Jesus needed to travel to a quiet place to pray and seek the Lord (Mark 1:35).
Today’s One Thing
Take a moment today to be still and know He is God. Say aloud these words to yourself and to the Lord today: “I will hear the sound of the Lord’s voice. I will listen when He speaks to me.”